Eileen Campbell
Eileen Campbell is well-known for her pioneering and visionary publishing in the fields of health, personal development and spirituality. She has studied with a variety of teachers from different traditions and brings a wealth of knowledge and life experience to her books, which are designed to inspire, motivate, and encourage positive thinking. As well as The Book of Hope: Meditations for Passion, Power and Promise and The Book of Joy: Listen to Your Heart, Live with Gratitude and Find Your Bliss, she has published Wake Up and Hear the Thunder: Finding Hope in a Hopeless World; NOW is the Time for Change; The Joy of Gardening; Time to Be: Reflections on Facing the Future; A Dancing Star; A Lively Flame; The Unknown Region; A Fabulous Gift; Healing Our Hearts and Lives; Mind, Body, Spirit: A Dictionary of People, Places and Ideas.
Eileen has also written and presented for BBC radio 2 and 4. She regularly gives talks in the UK on the range of subjects she has written about.
Eileen’s other interests include yoga, organic gardening, music (both Eastern and Western) and art history.
To listen to an interview with Eileen – see https://www.emmamillslondon.com/eileen-campbell-interview-for-wellspring/? preview=true&_thumbnail_id=21475
To find out more and read her blog see https://www.eileencampbellbooks.com
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